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TV reports about tandemPLUS

  • ARD-alpha accompanied a mentee and her mentor who participated in tandemPLUS during the winter semester of 2014/15. Below you can watch the follow-up report and get further information about the mentoring program:

What tandems report:


  • "Participating in the project not only helped me immensely from an organizational standpoint, but above all, it gave me the valuable message that I am seen and supported as a woman and mother in my career. In addition, I was able to make a great friend through the program. [...] thank you so much for everything!" (Mentee, Gymnasium teaching degree, SoSe 2022)
  • "The Tandem Project is of unspeakable value to us - not only on the concrete level, but also in terms of society as a whole, as the mentoring project is a pioneering model for supporting young women with children and students with caregiving responsibilities" (Mentee WiSe 2018/2019).
  • "I personally take a lot away from the program for myself -- that prioritizing is very important, but also that you have to set realistic goals. Another point is that you can achieve much more by studying together than sitting alone at home in front of your notes or books." (Mentee, middle school teaching WS 2016/17)
  • "I felt like I always had someone as a 'back up', which was very reassuring for me. Also, the exchange of ideas with the other mentees during the second workshop was very valuable for me." (Mentee, Sociology WS 2015/16)
  • "I passed all the seminars and lectures this semester - even with good to very good grades. This has increased my motivation and I’ve noticed that attending university can be done successfully (!) with two children even. It's not necessarily easy, but it's doable." (Mentee, elementary school WS 2015/16)


  • "The mentee passed (...) each of the exams with a good grade. The mentee will thus be able to successfully complete her studies with a child. The mentor was also able to gain further experience in teaching and communicating complex topics, which he can also put to good use in his current job as a tutor." (Mentor WiSe 2018/2019)
  • "The offered workshops have also been beneficial to me in my state exam preparation, and I have already been able to apply many things, such as time management and studying strategies." (Mentor, Gymnasium Chemistry and Biology WS 2016/17)
  • "Looking back, I have to say that, paradoxically, I was especially grateful for the Tandem program during the lean period. Here, many strategies discussed in the workshops came to fruition - the precise division of the schedule, the structuring of tasks, the constant revision and adjustment of goals." (Mentor, Literary Studies WS 2016/17)
  • "In my eyes, the tandemPLUS program was a wonderful time, as I was not only able to support a fellow student in the professional arena but was also able to gain interpersonal experience. The insight into the life of a mother who faces the challenges of attending university despite having a family had a big impact on me." (Mentor, Bioinformatics WS 2015/16)
  • "Managing a mentoring relationship was a completely new and very valuable experience for me, which will certainly benefit me professionally as well." (Mentor, Psychology WS 2015/16)"